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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Saturday, October 15, 2005

31 and counting

Someone told me when I turned 30, that it's pointless to look back with regrets. It's true to some extent, that you can't change the past, so why worry about it. Still with 31 less than a day away, I can't help but wish I had turned left instead of right on a number of occaisions. But again, you can't bother with regrets.

Certain things at 31 are becoming a reality. My desire to own my own business is pretty much all but done. If after 5 years nothing solid has happened, then you have to take another path. My goal now is career climbing...which is something I suppose I've been doing anyway.

In general, there's an air of stabilizing my life now....eating better, better job....blah blah blah. My Dad talked to me about this awhile back...mainly because he didn't prepare for the later years, but of course in your 20s your outlook is very short-term. I'm scraping by right now, but when I do level out I think my 30s will be just fine.

Comments on "31 and counting"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:26 p.m.) : 

hope you've levelled out from last night's boozefest. hope you had a great birthday. The 30's are great!


Blogger S A J Shirazi said ... (1:09 p.m.) : 

Congrats on turning 30. This is a great age for a man.


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