The cart before the horse
Well, Charlottetown does it again. Anyone? Anyone? Can they give me a proper design job off of this Island to a place where they function properly. I was one that bitched about a new transit system... so you'd think I would be happy about it finally happening. But damn...only Charlottetown could shoot themselves in the foot before the thing actually starts. I remember contacting Trius about 6 months to a year before this thing started....offering to help them implementing marketing for them. This would entail everything from advertising in the Guardian right down to the schedules... ...which brings me to my main annoyance. Ask Joe Blow on the street where to get a schedule...or where the stops are. I bet you that person won't have a clue about the operation of this transit system. Hard to have a successful transit system if no one knows what's going on. I mean really folks...are you planning on telepathically broadcasting the marketing of this thing to the masses of Charlottetown. I'll leave my gripes about the transit at the marketing stage....I'm not even going to touch on the topic of the bus design. Get your act together folks or we'll be without a transit system in the near future |
Comments on "The cart before the horse"
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Damn... how can i compete with a spam comment?
Funny thing you mentioning transit, man I'm all about transit blogs these days. AND finding work... You and I are like twins... and stuff.
Keep it up man.
i found the links to the schedule and stops
schedule and stops
i wonder why it's broken?
oh that's funny Luke. I didn't even know about the broken links. Fuck this town needs an enema. Haha Jud...even the losing hair battle. I put the letter verification on. That should help.....some....hopefully