Social study contrast
It really takes me aback when I see figures like this in the news....
Now don't take this the wrong way (some may just do that)....any amount of life lost is not a good thing. That being said, 2,500 lives were lost in the World Trade Centre attack.....the US then spends BILLIONS in a war that has nothing to do with this said attack. 150,000 people perish in what could be considered one of the world's most catastrophic disasters of our modern times, and the US offers $150,000,000. Don't get me wrong...that's a nice chunk of change....but really, when you compare it to the above figure, it just reminds me of how much the US government sucks. I mean, the Canadian government is supplying $80,000,000. When you consider the size and power of our country compared to the States, the US offer is horribly low. |
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