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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Ease of mind = $74,500

Society scares me at times. Walmart was recently sued by a family complaining of a "foul" word on a CD that they sold. The story indicates that this family received $75,000 for "damages" due to their 13 year old daughter hearing the f word in a new Evenescance song.

My god folks. It's A WORD. 4 little letters. Not only that, It's within an artistic interpretation. I'm betting their 13 year old daughter is well versed in other things of this nature wayyyyy worse than that 4 letter word.

I shouldn't point the finger at America in this situation...because not all degrading society relates to the States...but in this case this story is not shedding a great light on American society. I think in this case the people need to take a step back and take the stick lodged up them, out.

My 2 cents

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