How do i get off this ride?
It's an interesting situation I find myself in these days. Most people that have read my blog in the past will consider this another in the long line of rants by myself. And if you aren't interested then read no further. But some of you that do read this may find some similarity in what I type. I have been unemployed for about 6 months now. Somewhat out of stupidity for not taking a minimum wage job..but it's mostly out of stubbornness to strive for that "dream job". In reality it's at the point now where I'd take "A" job in my field. There are 2 road blocks I find myself in. There may be some fault on my part, but I'd like to push that aside for this argument as I feel I've done the best of my abilities to be employed....and although this is going to sound like gloating, it's more a confidence in my saying, I am MORE than qualified for a LARGE portion of the jobs I've applied for. Road block 1. Patronage. Welcome to Prince Edward of Anne, Golf and climbing the familial success ladder. I remember a time in college when I was naive enough to say to my friend that It didn't matter I didn't have any connections, I was going to make it on my own. I still believe somewhat in that adage....BUT NOT ON PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. If you aren't related or know a person with a zillion generations on this Island, GOOD FRICKEN LUCK. This also pertains to loopholes, programs...blah blah blah. I can give a lot of examples but on the Island you have to watch where you set fires...because they can attack back at you. may ask..why am I still here? Reason number 2.... Regional discrimination - This is a term I've used a lot in the last 2 weeks. About the time that's passed since my client in Toronto let me go....and coined by another Island friend. Regional discrimination is this... If you live away from the desired location, It is almost impossible to get employed in that location. I say almost, because there are exceptions. I have emailed resumes, created full colour promotional kits, built portfolio DVDs, made numerous calls to Toronto, Halifax, Vancouver..... and I think maybe 1 or 2 got back to me. There is NO way I'll get to Toronto from here. Which is what I was hoping to do. Acquire a job first then move with confidence in that I'd have a job at the other end. so why am I still here? Support mostly from family and friends. But it's a rut that I keep getting stuck in. I've tried to move 3 times so far and have not been able to get a then I move back to regroup....and of course I can barely survive here because of patronage. I regroup...get more money.....and try only have the same process happen. Has anyone else experienced one or both of these instances? It's very frustrating. As of right now, I'm hoping to make another stab at Toronto....but due to the contract falling through it will take longer. |