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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Friday, March 04, 2005

Oh the possibilities

Well, I am now on a part-time schedule from my full-time work. This was both an iffy and a welcome event. The full-time work was not what what I was trained for and not what I have spent so much time investing in. With the increased free-time I am now able to devote my skills to something I enjoy and know-graphic design.

I have a number of jobs I'm working on now and I have a feeling things will improve as the months go on. Here's hoping

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

After a long hiatus....let's rant.

I have to apologize for not publishing a post in some time. Winter and a hectic schedule don't make for a good blogger. But now that I'm back, on to this week's rant!

What the hell???

This administration really needs to grow up. " won't come to my party!! I'm not going to talk to you". Is it any wonder why there is such animosity towards this government?

I might be living in a dream world here....but wouldn't a better solution than spending billions of dollars to bomb a country and build a paranoid defence system be to spend that money on bettering relations with the world. By the looks of the news reports on TV I guess I'm just living in a dream world.

Top Google result??

Wow!! Someone has drawn my attention to the fact that we're the top Google search when it comes to Thnikkaman! I didn't expect that when putting this site up. I was looking for an obscure, "inside" character and of course.. Homestar Runner is one of the coolest pop-culture phenomenons out there right now.