Took me less than 12 parsecs to buy this one.
Well, Mr. Lucas has once again been able to drain more money from my pockets.
Yesterday I (as I'm sure many others as well) purchased the much coveted DVD box set of the original Star Wars trilogy. Now there are at least two sets of this trilogy in my apartment. Two "VHS" sets. To me, I might as well be watching cave drawings interpretting this cinematic epic. So when I got wind of this DVD collection last year I quickly moved it to the top of any movie purchase I had planned. Am I Impressed? Well unfortunately I haven't had much time to watch the set...but what I did watch on the special features disk is very impressive. A good portion of the archived footage included on the disk is amazing. It gives a glimpse into the history of the creation of this movie like I've never seen before. If you're really die-hard you can scan through the multiple movie/tv commercials. Let's just say trailers sucked in the 70s. As well, having just completed my first DVD interface, I am blown away with how they were able to construct such a beautiful navigational flow. So was it worth forking more money over to George Lucas? Very much so. If you're a fan of this series, check it out. |