Or more specifically.....nothing at this stage.
Always the situation when beginning a project. In this case, 2 websites. My own and a client's. And lately it's become more and more difficult. I just seem so un-creative when attempting new projects. A great deal I think has to do with the annoyance and frustration i encounter when actuallly building a website.
I remember telling myself at one time I didn't want to get into programming. There was a point where I was going to stop and just cconcentrate on the design and execution of projects such as these. But as days went on and as grocery purchases had to be met, I dove into the geekier waters of design.
Which leads me to my client's website that I'm doing. I think it's one of the first sites where I am hiring someone to build the website. I've delegated on small team efforts before...but this is the first one where I feel I can be somewhat free to design. It truely is a nice feeling. Yet I enter into the design process thinking "how's that going to work?" or..."how would I ever do that?" In this past, this led to hours (sometimes days) of research and trial and error......really leading to more spinning my tires in the mud. It's tricky to get past this...but I will.
As for my own website, more and more I have an interest in getting someone else to build it. Doing so would mean money and that is something I'm not plentiful in these days. But I'm trying to justify that it really is an investment. A professional would solve a lot of the problems and desires I have for my website. We'll see how it works out.
On other news. I seem to be the king of non-synchronization. Rumor has it that there may be a job open in Halifax that I might have an in at. Just as i was starting to settle here in TO. But in reality, it is a good money-making / stabilizing opportunity. We'll have to see how it plays out.
A new look for the blog and hopefully (after a suggestion from a friend of mine) a commitment to update a little more often. We'll see. |